1 min read
Keepers at Home-How to Save Money

Matthew 6:33 KJV 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 

Why is saving Money Important? 

Emergencies (medical or otherwise) may arise from time to time and you want to be able to use from that fund in order to cover this expense. Saving helps you attain either your short term and long term goals. 

Ways to Save Money:-

1. Get a Job and or a side hustle, start your own business if your husband, dad and time permits 

Tobit 2:11 And my wife Anna did take women's works to do. 12And when she had sent them home to the owners, they paid her wages, and gave her also besides a kid. Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. 

What is a side hustle? 

A side hustle is work performed for income supplementary to one's primary job. 

2. Open an account for Savings (A savings account is a deposit account designed to hold money you don’t plan to spend immediately) and a Checkings accounts (A checking account is a deposit account that allows you to easily make withdrawals, deposits, and fund transfers). 

3. Create a realistic budget and stick to it. 

Sirach 42:7 Deliver all things in number and weight; and put all in writing that thou givest out, or receivest in.

4. Manage your wants and needs and keep unnecessary expenses to a minimum. 

5. Look for ways to invest your money. 

6. Find ways to cut spending, see two examples below

  • Instead of buying food out, you can cook at home and carry lunch to school or work.
  • Instead of travelling in a taxi or maxi, take the bus instead or car pool.

Income is defined as money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments. 

Expenditure is defined as the action of spending funds. 

Miscellaneous Expense is defined as typically small, everyday costs that don't fit into one specific category 

Example of a monthly income of $3000 TTD 

Expenditure/ExpensesMonthly Amount 
Phone Bill$100
Grocery Bill$500
Light Bill$100
Gas Money/Transportation$200
Miscellaneous Expense$100
Total Expenditure (add all expenditure above)$2000
Monthly Income $3000-Total Expenditure $2000=$1000 The difference you can put towards savings



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