2 min read
Keepers at Home-Social Media and How Use it Righteously

Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

What is Social Media?

Social media is digital technology that allows the sharing of ideas and information, including text and visuals, through virtual networks and communities.

Advantages of social media

1. Useful for educational purposes.

2. Reaches a large audience.

3. Can target a specific audience.

4. Free to use.

5. Keeps you up to date and in the know.

6. Gets you connected with new people.

7. Builds relationships.

8. Gets new visitors to the website.

Disadvantages of social media

1. Spending a lot of time on social media, increases idleness.

2. Decrease in Communication skills. 

3. Fake news and misinformation. 

4. Social media can cause sleeplessness.

5. Content on social media is not appropriate for children. 

6. Risk of Cyber attacks.

7. Lack of Confidence. 

8. Fear of missing out.

9. No privacy.

10. Getting close to Depression.

11. Social media misuse 

When social media is misused, it leads to sexual harassment, criminal offence, employment obligations breach, unlawful discernment, misconduct, violation of students, staff or parents’ privacy, legal liability exposure, child pornography, stalking, sexual hunters, cyber-bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, deaths due to social media influence, affects self esteem, 

Ways to use social media righteously

1. Promote the truth with biblical and historical content. 

2. Post encouraging and uplifting scriptures.

3. Encourage and cheer on brothers and sisters.

4. Share news about bible prophecies.

5. Share current events.

6. Communicate and connect with brothers and sisters all over the world.

7. Use as a teaching platform.

8. Follow like minded organizations/schools or camps to increase and extend your knowledge and understanding.

9. Use posts to broadcast updates, alerts or reminders.

10. Stream teachings and classes

11. Use posts to support and promote the teachings. Share like and subscribe.

Parents click on the video below for some tips on how to keep your kids safe on social media.


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